Some fun with OpenAI ChatGPT
A large language model to rule them all?
Have you ever wanted to talk to a machine that can understand and respond to your questions and comments in a way that sounds like a human? Look no further than Assistant, the large language model trained by OpenAI.
Assistant is a computer program that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to generate human-like text. It is capable of understanding and responding to a wide range of questions and topics, and it can write in a variety of styles and formats.
One of the things that sets Assistant apart from other language models is its ability to generate coherent and cohesive text. It has been trained on a vast corpus of text, which enables it to understand the context and structure of language. This allows it to produce text that flows naturally and makes sense to a human reader.
In terms of how it works, Assistant is always learning and improving. It is fed new data on a regular basis, which keeps it up-to-date on current events and trends. It also has access to a variety of tools and resources that help it generate high-quality text. For example, it can use language models and other techniques to improve its grammar and vocabulary, and it can use machine learning algorithms to generate text that is relevant and engaging.
Overall, Assistant is a versatile and capable language model that is designed to assist with a wide range of tasks. Whether it is responding to a question, generating a summary, or writing an essay, it strives to provide accurate, informative, and engaging text that meets the needs of its users. Give it a try and see for yourself!
I have a confession to make: I haven’t write this article, it was written by Assistant. I have just changed the title and pasted some images to make it more real.
In my humble opinion this is awesome. The tone of the produced text is very human like and it gives easy to understand explanations. I actualy think it writes better than me ☺. Of course this was just a small easy test for Assistant because the question I asked was pretty straightforward and clear on the expected result. Anyway I really encourage you to try it out because you will feel by yourself the difference with other chat bots.
More about ChatGPT in this interesting article by Alberto Romero.
It is really funny to see all the interesting interaction with ChatGPT posted on Twitter by a lot of users.
In conclusion I think that ChatGPT is another big step in the direction of a real life Jarvis and we have to embrace it because whenever we like it or not it is coming and will impact our daily lives in ways that now we can’t even imagine.
I hope the story was interesting and thank you for taking the time to read it. On my Blogspot you can find the same post in Italian. Let me know if you have any question and if you like the content that I create feel free to buy me a coffee.