Logging with logging in Python

Logging means to track what events happens when you run some software

Simone Rigoni
Nerd For Tech



In Python the easiest way to do that is to use print() statements when your code needs to perform actions that you want to track. If you need some more advanced logging (i.e. save the logs in a file or in a database table) the easiest way is to use logging

Another point to consider is: when do you have to use logging vs raise an exception? In a nutshell as always it depends on what you have to do. How the software is expected to behave? Is the error so critical that further steps cannot/should not be done? In this case the exception is the expected behaviour. Is it ok to go on with the execution of the code even if we’ve got any errors? Ok in this case let’s keep track that we got some errors but let’s continue with the execution of the code. Really interesting discussion on reddit about this topic

Setup for this examples: let’s generate random integers and let’s suppose that the values generated must respect some thresholds which indicate if a value is a warning, an error or a critical error

Let’s consider 3 examples:

  • example_1: let’s use print() to log what is happening in the code
  • example_2: using example_1 as base let’s use logging module
  • example_3: using the example_2 as base let’s track different error levels in different ways. In this example I have also created SQLiteHandler.py to log error messages on a SQL table

Example 1

This is the base example: we are using print() to log every step of the code on the console

example_1.py execution

Example 2

In this example we use basic configuration of logging to save in a file the steps of the code. The messages have different levels (debug, info, warning, error and critical). By changing the level in the basicConfig() we can change the starting level we log


Example 3

In this example we setup different handlers for the different logging levels and we also use the module SQLiteHandler to log on a SQL table the messages starting from info level

Let’s have a look at the SQLiteHandler module: it is based on sqlite_handler.py from Yarin Kessler. Using an attrirbute_list we can choose which information we want to log (they will be the columns off the log table). In this example I am using SQLite but it is pretty straightforward to set up another handler in the same way for any other database we want to use

Of course if you change the attrirbute_list remember to DROP/CREATE the table or anyway do something to manage this change on the database otherwise when you try to save a record in the log table you will get an error because the columns do not match

example_3.py execution

If we check the log table we will only see the info, error and critical messages, if we check example_3_error.log we will see only the error and critical messages and if we check example_3_critical.log we will only see the critical messages

Note: Code can be found in this github repository

