Just for fun test your T-SQL knowledge with these 3 simple questions
Are you ready to put your T-SQL skills to the test?
Just for fun in this article I will ask you three questions that cover different aspects of T-SQL programming.
Given the following employee
and department
USE master;
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS tsql_three_questions;
CREATE DATABASE tsql_three_questions;
USE tsql_three_questions;
-- DROP CREATE tables
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.department;
CREATE TABLE dbo.department
, [name] NVARCHAR(128) NULL
, CONSTRAINT [PK_department_key] PRIMARY KEY ([key])
, CONSTRAINT [AK_department_id] UNIQUE ([id])
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.employee;
CREATE TABLE dbo.employee
, [name] NVARCHAR(128) NULL
, [department_key]INT NULL
, [salary] FLOAT NULL
, CONSTRAINT [PK_employee_key] PRIMARY KEY ([key])
, CONSTRAINT [AK_employee_id] UNIQUE ([id])
, CONSTRAINT [FK_employee_department_key] FOREIGN KEY (department_key) REFERENCES department([key])
Let’s populate these tables with some data:
-- INSERT sample data
INSERT INTO dbo.department ([id], [name]) VALUES
('HR', 'Human Resources')
, ('IT', 'Information Technology')
INSERT INTO dbo.employee ([id], [name], [department_key], [salary]) VALUES
('e1', 'Pippo', 1, 3000.00)
, ('e2', 'Pluto', 2, 2500.00)
, ('e3', 'Paperino', 1, 4000.00)
, ('e4', 'Topolino', NULL, 3500.00)
, ('e5', 'Minni', 1, 3500.00)
, ('e6', 'Clarabella', 2, 3000.00)
, ('e7', 'Orazio', NULL, 4000.00)
Let’s check the data:
-- Check data
FROM dbo.department
FROM dbo.employee
The questions:
Question 1: Retrieve the names of employees who work in the HR department creating an appropriate index to improve performances.
Question 2: How many employees do not work in IT department? The answer should be 5 but the following query returns 3. Why and how can we modify it in order to get 5?
Question 3: Retrieve the top earning employee for each department along with the corresponding salary.
Before checking my solutions try to answer them yourself.
My answers:
Answer to question 1
-- Question 1: Retrieve the names of employees who work in the HR department creating an appropriate index to improve performance
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS IX_employee_department_key ON employee;
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_employee_department_key ON employee(department_key) INCLUDE([name]);
SELECT e.[name] AS [employee_name]
FROM dbo.employee AS e
INNER JOIN dbo.department AS d
ON e.department_key = d.[key]
WHERE d.[id] = 'HR'
The index IX_employee_department_key
is created as a non clustered index on the department_key
column in the employee
table. The INCLUDE
clause includes the name
column. This index will allow for faster retrieval of employee records based on the department. In the query, the employee
and department
tables are joined based on the foreign key relationship between the department_key
column in the employee
table and the key
column in the department
table. The WHERE
clause filters the result set to retrieve employees from the desired department based on the id
column in the department
Of course in this example we do not have enough data to really require the creation of an index but in a scenario in which both tables have a large number of records using the index should improve performances.
Answer to question 2
SELECT COUNT(*) AS [row_count]
FROM dbo.employee AS e
LEFT JOIN dbo.department AS d
ON e.department_key = d.[key]
WHERE d.[id] != 'IT'
OR e.[department_key] IS NULL
Since it is not possible to check if a NULL
value is equal or not equal to a specific value the rows of the table employee
where department_key
do not get checked. Therefore to get these rows we need to apply another condition just for them OR e.[department_key] IS NULL
Answer to question 3
SELECT a.[department_name]
, a.[employee_name]
, a.salary
SELECT d.[name] AS [department_name]
, e.[name] AS [employee_name]
, e.salary
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY e.department_key ORDER BY e.salary DESC) AS row_num
FROM dbo.employee AS e
INNER JOIN dbo.department AS d
ON e.department_key = d.[key]
) AS a
WHERE row_num = 1
I hope you had fun and maybe learned something answering these simple questions.
I hope the story was interesting and thank you for taking the time to read it. On my Blogspot you can find the same post in Italian. Let me know if you have any question and if you like the content that I create feel free to buy me a coffee.